Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New Years Eve 2008

For New Year's, Laura and I were supposed to be in Ko Lanta, but we decided to fly back to Bangkok early for work etc. So we ended up on Kao San Road, an international mash atrocity, filled primarily with Europeans. But on new years some boys from the country had obviously come to the city to party, dancing mor lam style to Euro-trance in the street. Hilarious! Frightening!

so these boys wanted to take pictures with us....their shirts are of old school punk bands, but they don't know their music. Bangkok has a huge indy t-shirt printing scene, many original, many rip-offs of old North American shirt designs. You'll see little old ladies wearing Exploited shirts..pretty funny. These boys are about as non-mainstream as you get in Bangkok. Not much of a alternative scene here, I think cuz people are more concerned with getting out of poverty than looking cool. The kids that are into Western music are largely spoiled brats that have access to that type of thing (through internet mostly). The dude's acid wash jean jacket made my night.

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